

Hiddenite, North Carolina

United States

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About Me:
I am Amelia's mom, and she was recently diagnosed with alopeica areata. Amelia is five years old, and I have a son Logan who is nine.
Do you have alopecia?
I do not have alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • LeslieAnn Butler

    It's nice to see you here. I hope you're finding support. Sometimes it's harder being a parent of a child with alopecia than it is for the kid!
    Hope you are doing okay today!
  • Melody

    Hi! Welcome to Alopecia World!
    I am from Charlotte, NC. I am hoping to get a support group together sometime soon, so I would like to add you as a contact!
    Please let me know of any questions you have.

  • Maygensmom

    Hi! Thanks for asking. She is continuing to loose hair, I would say she has about 40% remaining on her head. She isn't loosing as much though....of course there isn't as much to loose anymore. A couple of weeks ago I was in the car with her on the way to her doctor to try and see if we could get her appointment moved up for the specialist. I had cried and she could tell that I was very sad. She said, "Mom, why are you so sad?" I replied, "because you are loosing your hair and I just wish I could give you all of mine." She asked me to please stop being sad and so I looked at her and said, "Sis, how do you feel about what is happening to you right now, loosing your hair, living with alopecia?" She thought for a long ,silent moment, and then replied, "I suppose that a part of me is thankful for having it." I almost fell out of my seat!!! WHAT THANKFUL????? Obviously she could tell I was shocked by her response, and then went on to say, "I feel that the alopecia keeps me humble. It keeps me being the kind of person that I am. I could act like those other girls and be a snob or think I am smarter or a better athlete, but I don't. I know that, although I am good at many things, I am not perfect, and it is okay. I like being me, being who I am." So let's just say that as a mother, women, and human being, I continue to grow and develop in realizing the things that are most important in life. My daughter has taken many opportunities to be my teacher!