

Lexington, South Carolina

United States

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I am a parent of a child w/ alopecia universalis. I want to obtain information to help her cope with this condition.
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Lee

    I got my hair from www.freedomhair.com
    It was about $3600
  • Trina


    Thank you for the kind words. I know how your daughter feels as I myself dealt with Alopecia as a teenager. Just know that it will get better and she will be much stronger for it. Each lesson we learn tells something new.
  • Stacie Duda

    terri, please understand that the worse YOU feel about the condition, the worse your daughter is going to think of it. also, understand that your child is healthy! my mother will stop at nothing to find out if there is something else wrong with me! she cried over my hairloss. i didn't. seeing her cry about it made me want to cry because i didn't like seeing her so upset over something i had no control of.
    there is no reason to cry or be upset. hair is not a big deal! its "just" hair! if thats the attitude you portray, thats the attitude she'll follow.
    i'm sure you are supportive of your daughter and want to protect her from anyone who will make her feel uncomfortable, but you have to understand that sheltering her and wanting to home school her will not solve any issues either. instead, tell her how amazing she is. tell her she hasn't changed as a person. also, tell her that "god created a few perfect people on this earth... the rest he covered with hair." ...that should make her smile if she is down.