Paul O Keefe




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About Me:
Hi, well im Paul Age 24 living in Ireland, just finished university in Netherlands, I have Alopecia now for about 6 years, eyebrows went about 4years ago so got some fake tattoo's now. I have tried all the usual treatments for alopecia and some very random/strange like in Turkey and Russia. I have now given up on treatments as i fell none of them work and that the only way to grow your hair back is done by yourself but i still have not figured this way yet :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Essence

    thank you for the request. 

    xoxo -Essence.
  • Maya :)

    Hey Paul^^ Sorry for the late reply... I was busy and im moving so its like a fun rush lol!ahh wow, I cant imgine how cold it would be there, me and cold get along...Ahh aww, yeah lol it happens to me here when the goldcoast was cold but i was wearing a furry hat (wig) lol. wow, i hoped you liked London seems like you had fun :) Its good.
    Im doing ok, i have my ups and downs.. Im doing gd in my course, im ahead of the class, finishing up 40 of my assestments so its good...and enjoying myself doing belly dance.. Oh yes my hair was falling down, but now its ok, its not bad, still a little bit hair is falling but now its better...
    I think be being confident with myself, not giving a danm of what ppl think and most of all feeling pretty darn sexy! :)
    Ahha so it happens but it shouldnt happen to ppl who have alopecia we have enough on our plate...
    Wow, thats very gd to hear, so yes yours does grow, Yeah the sun does help, and maybe cause the whole vitamen D and so on. Im happy that your hair is improving.
    Goldcoast is ok not bad, its very hot and humid, and sometimes nice and windy.
    I love the sea, and i love swimming, but sadly no, im too shy. I wear a bikini, and i dont wear the wig, but people look, my friends say cause ' i have a nice body & i look pretty ' I dont believe that, i just think that they are thinking if im sick! :S
    Im very messed up, i try to be 'cool' but i cant..guys and girls are very bloody mean..
    Ahh wow, yeah I read, wow garlic? thats cute!! lol :P
    I think the best cure is to be happy... i know thats corny... cause i use to buy expensive shampoos for my hair thinking it would've worked but nothing... I had bloodu snake skin oil once....was nasty!! lol
    Im gald ur doing gd...
    hope to talk/chat soon... see u paul. :)
  • Robbi

    Hi, Paul Welcome to Alopecia World! :)