Tim Irvine


Meridian, MS

United States

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About Me:
Have had Alopecia since age 5. Learned a long time ago to live with it. Still like to connect with others who have it now. Love to run, kayak, hike and camp. I work in TV and make the most of life.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Jill Hickman

    Thanks. I've seen that shop too, work downtown & pass it everyday. I'm new to this site but hope to have more time to try to maneuver through it. I'm married and have a 14 month old so spare time is hard to come by.
  • Jennifer Krahn

    Hey Tim,
    Great pictures...and FANTASTIC time for the marathon!!! I just ran my first full this past fall and am currently training a second marathon in June...I think your attitude is nothing less than AWESOME!!
  • Dame

    Tim. thanks for a guys perspective on my blog post. I have to admit it's one I often don't think about. You certainly understand what it's like to grow up with it though. I was 4 when I was diagnosed.I too tried treatment for a while but gave up many years ago You're right about alopecia weeding out those who are superficial. We all have standards but I do think that having alopecia allows us to see past a lot of things others may not be able to on the superficial level.