Gwennan Thomas

, Female


United Kingdom

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About Me:
"I lost my hair and not my smile"
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
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  • margaret watson

    Hi Gwennan. At last I've foumd someone in the u.k. I only found this web site last week and have been searching for someone here! I think bald women are very brave and hate every day of it, but decided 12 years ago to go without my wig (having worn one for16 years). That was a hard day I can twll you, but since then I have never looked back and have grown in so much confidence. I teach in a Primary school and they don't mind in the sightest. I have learnt that once I open my mouth people see me and not the lack of hair! It's all about taking that first step, but how I wished to have had someone who could have helped me through it at the time.
    Margaret x
  • margaret watson

    Hi Gwennan,Well I decided at the age of 40 to go without my wig (after 15 years of always wearing one). But then I had new growth - short but no significant patches. We went to scotland for 5 weeks in the school hols so i could get used to it myself. I then returned to school without the wig. It was very scary but so worth it. I always hated my wig (although it looked great to others) As time went on (and I'm 52 now) my hair has fallen out and grown and fallen out and grown but never all gone totally - until 2 years ago(I was 50). Then suddenly within a few months it all went - and I mean all. I really feel as though it is very cruel. It's such an important part of a woman somehow. But I have to say I am fighting the urge to wear a wig again and YES I teach full time 'bald!' I go swimming - bald, walking - bald, - but sometimes I go shopping with my wig on -just because I get fed up with people looking at me. I can pretent to me normal and hide behind my wig. I believe I'm at peace with myself when bald, but others are happier when I'm wearing my wig - so who do I please me or them? Most of the time - me!
  • margaret watson

    Hi, I’m trying to arrange a get together this coming Saturday 23rd May. Can you meet up? When I find out who can make it I’ll arrange a mid way meeting place. I’m from Exeter – please let me know which town you coming from. I can’t wait to (at long last) meet others in the flesh who have alopecia. Margaret xx