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  • Laurie

    Hi Jodi,

    I'm starting to think I might have androgenic alopecia as well. I haven't lost enough hair yet to worry except at my temples. I've been covering those with dermmatch depending on my hairstyle. How am I dealing with this? Websites like this one. There are beautiful women here with beautiful wigs. I refuse to let this beat me! Hope you're doing well!!
  • Jennifer

    Hi Jodi!

    Thanks for the post on my photo. I've worn the same hairpiece for almost six or seven years now--it's Jessica by Henry Margu. I love it. It's synthetic, but has a mono top and is really flexible when it comes to styling. At this point, I practically wear it straight out of the box. With all my traveling and other activities, I kind of beat on it a bit so need to replace it every 4-6 months, but it's not too expensive. One of these days I definitely want to get one of the vacuum pieces, but probably not until I'm able to better take care of it.

    I hope all is well!

  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Jodi,
    How are you?