

Norcross, GA

United States

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About Me:
Hi, I've been living with Alopecia since i was 17. I'm tired of hiding. I'm here to meet others like me and finally coming to terms with this.
Do you have alopecia?
Male pattern baldness
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Pat

    So how were those yummy cupcakes?
  • BTB (John)

    Thanks for the add look froward to chatting again and finding what tactics you use in dealing with alopecia.
  • BTB (John)

    Hi Dee hope the cupcakes lived up to expectation and the whole hair thing is going as well as it can which is of course never that good. After so many years Pat has given up finding a magic lotion or potion we kinda figure medical science will come day come up with a cure. I had the usual male patter baldness thing thing and at my age you kinda expect it. Besides there is no way male pattern baldness compares to alopecia and it gets miffed when i hear that it does men can get away bald easier than women. You have the whole beauty social thing happening which we men dont get to the same degree. I went to Thailand and had a hair transplant for a fraction of what it would have cost here, and I dont regret it at all but I could have survived ok without it. It definitely was an ego thing and I ma fine with that. If there was a cure for Pat we would pay for it without a second thought but until then good wigs a lot of self help communication and support will see us through This site and the people who understand that this is a support site will also be invaluable to us. Stay Frosty
    and stay in touch John xx