
42, Female

San Jose, CA

United States

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About Me:
I was only sixteen months old when I first lost all of my hair...Just before starting school at the age of five I started growing hair again. It was not until middle school when I started to loose patches of hair.. but it was easily treated with steroid injections. As the years past there were more patches and they were getting bigger..I finally decided to stop the steroid treatment and accepted that I would loose all my hair.. I had my husband help me shave what I had left.. Today I have very small patches of hair left on my scalp and some eyelashes.. But I love being bald! I decided not to wear wigs to they are very itchy! But I do wear wigs on the days a don't want to be looked at.. I hate the attention...
My husband has been my biggest support...and I love him so much for all that he has done for me.
Today I work as a Registered Veterinary Technician.. And trying to live my life with as much fun and love as possible.!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Ilia Reed

    Hi Jennifer, thanks for accepting. I like your muddy part. You look great!
  • Ilia Reed

    Hi again, just see your comment. Yes, it's good to find friends here. Baldies are scarce here in my little world; and yet there are so many - good to meet you and your joy. Makes me feeling still better as hairless being. Thanks!
  • Rachael B.

    Hey! Thanks so so so much! :)