Michelle (mom of Sam)

56, Female

York, PA

United States

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About Me:
Hi, my name is Michelle. Our family lives in Dallastown, Pennsylvania. One of our 4 year old twins were recently diagnosed with AA by our pediatrician and we will be seeing Dr. Cohen at Johns Hopkins on June 5 to confirm what we already know. I am a Pennsylvania Unlocking Autism Rep. I also am the moderator of ASD_Kids@yahoogroups.com My husband, Steve, is a police officer. You can visit us at...
I am the Proud mom of;
PFC Amanda Rembert, 21, stationed in Hawaii
PFC Gregory Belcher Jr., 19, deployed to Afghanistan
Ashley, 16, dx of PDD, a Mixed Receptive/Expressive Speech and Language Disorder, ADHD, combined type, Reading Disorder, Writing Disorder, Mathematics Disorder, is Borderline to Low Average overall cognitive functioning, has a Moderate to Severe Sensoneural hearing loss in her left ear and has a wheat/lactose intolerace.
Jesse James, 13, dx of ADHD & ODD, PAVCS homeschooled
Twins Stevie Jr. and Sammy, 4, dx of Mercury Induced Autism, Social Interaction, Language and Repetitive Behavior Impairment, Global Developmental Delay involving Fine, Gross, Oromotor, Speech/Lang. and Social Interaction, Regressive Encephalopathy, hypotonia, a carb intolerance, a severe peanut and egg allergy, Reflux Esophagitis, Gastritis, Colitis, Lymphoid Nodular Hyperplasia, Low enzymes (Autistic Enterocolitis) and mitochondrial dysfunction. Samuel has the added dx of Reactive Airway Disease as the result of an enviromental trigger and Alopecia Areata.
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  • Miranda

    I don't know if you are willing to do this, but I just registered for the National Alopecia Research at MD Anderson. They contacted me back right away because Della is a twin. I guess they are in real need of twins where only one is effected. I guess they get so much more information this way. Anyways, Della will be top on the list if they find a cure or a promising treatment. But, I read that you don't like to use medications much, unless it is life saving. But I bet it would be great if you could sign up your boys. All they need are some pictures, a history, and some blood samples. I am hesitant about the blood samples, but I figure maybe they will find a cure in Della's life time.
  • Miranda

    YEAH! Only one of my twins are effected as well. We have a cousin that has alopecia as well, but when he was a child (he's 21 now) he used to pull his hair out.

    The link is: http://www.mdanderson.org/departments/alopecia/
  • Tammy -mom of Ramsey

    You are s rong woman. I hope you find help here.