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About Me:
Hello Everyone!
I'm an alopecian, however I dont wish to say I suffer from it. It started off as Alopecia areata, just a few spots that would normally never grow and always come back. However last year, these spots took over my whole head. Just as i was about to shave it all off, it started growing back. I lost over 50% of my hair then. The past month, my alopecia started coming back, very aggressively, and i've now lost pretty much all my head hair. i've also noticed spots on my arms and underarms. I'm making do with wigs at the moment, and am saving up for a vacuum wig. I've been very open about my alopecia, as I dont feel ashamed of somethign I can't control.

I consider myself lucky to have alopecia, and not something more serious or life threatening. It takes time to adjust and accept alopecia and to be ok with it. How other's deal with my alopecia is out of my control, and the only thing i can control, is how i deal with it. I'm trying not to let it rule or ruin my life. so far, so good :)

Please stop by and say gday, and if tehre's anyone here from Australia, please send me a message and say hi so we can share ideas :)

Many thanks :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Karina

    Hi...I´m from Argentina...I´m depressed cause I can´t stop my hair falling out and I almost don´t go out ...
  • Stacey

    Hey Sport,

    Just wondering how you were going. it has been a while.

    I have my Freedom wig now, it is lovely, and I get nothing but compliments on my new hair. I have had my eyeliner tatooed, and am getting used to my AU now. NO bad days in quite a while.

    How about yourself?
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi there,
    How are you today?
    Tracy and Amanda