

Katy, TX

United States

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About Me:
Not sure what type I have. Female, age 50. Started noticing hair loss 4 years ago. Got worse in 2010. Now almost bald and have lost most of my eyebrows. Very little hair on the rest of my body too. This from someone who was always very hairy (runs in the family and no one else has had this problem). Blood pressure meds seem to have made the most drastic difference in hair.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Paula

    I actually live with my boyfriend in Clear Lake area close to NASA since I work for a NASA Prime Contracor, but I do like to sometimes go up around Katy mill mall and stuff adn would like to meet up sometime. I have been watching the Houston Chevron Marathon I did not run this year and I really want to get back into training. I have a lot of weight to lose right now. All my numbers are good but this only because I do work out and the doctor says if I don't get rid of some of the weight I will start having health problems. She found out that my thyroid was not work like it should and I am taking pills for that now so I am hoping that will help. I would love to lose 50 pounds at least. I am 202 right now. I know it will cause more health issues. I got into running because a trainer made me do it after I told him the last thing I wanted to do was run like my friend did and so he said okay start running. I mainly walk with some running because of my weight though. I have done 3 half marathons and really want to do a whole one just to say I did it. I don't like that people think I am a cancer survivor tough because I don't think I can run with a wig on. I don't not sleep with one either. One thing is I had to have a man that could except waking up to me the way I am. I can't help it I don't have hair and the older I get I sometimes tired of hiding it so much. As a kid I was told I had to understanding of other people because they did not understand what it was I had and now I am an adult I think people should be more understanding too as no one would ask for this.
  • Paula

    We may not die or being pain and we are able body but it is a mentally hard disease to have. I go to the gym usually without my hair. Sometimes I do put my wig on in the morning before my boyfriend wakes up and I wake him up with it on. He loves long hair and so do I because I don't have it of course. I know he would prefer me to have a wig on at the marathons because people do stare. We have been together almost 5 years and the more he is around it the more he is getting used to it at the marathons. Because even if I know or know people are staring at the marathons I act like I don't notice or know people are staring and approach them like I have hair on. I do wear a hankercheif but people always think I am a cancer survivor. I need a shirt that say AU on it or something I don't know. As far as disease go this one is not too bad once you get a little use to it. I will always want my hair back and I love love love pony tails and I don't know what a real one is like. When they talk to me about being an inspiration I tell them I don't have cancer that I have had Alopecia Areata since I was 5 and tell the ones that don't know about but most know someone that has some degree even though total hair loss is little more rare that those with some I guess. I have had a couple of set backs this last year and not done any marathons but plan to in the year a head and plan to widen my training with weights, cardio, yoga, so hopefully I will do better and maybe a little faster. Well I talked way too much today. Glad to see you went on a trip I have never been to Vegas. I been to Lousiana.
  • Paula

    Hey Kim,

    How are you? We have not talked in awhile. We need to meet soon.
