John N.

45, Male

Austin, TX

United States

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About Me:
I am 30 years old and have alopecia areata. It started around 2 years ago. It started with my beard and quickly spread to my head. In the last few months it has spread to my eyebrows and eyelashes. Like many, I've taken different medicines and have seen different doctors. I'm still learning alot about this unusual condition. I've handled it pretty well so far but now asking myself the question "is this going to last forever"?
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • kristin

    John! its working, I have 90% hair growth onmy head, in my fourth week now, two more to go. the hair is fine and thin, but all over... is this how it was for you too? I am so happy I just want to dance.
  • kristin

    thank you. my eyelashes and eyebrows never left me completely but the seem to be hangin' in there. I have a few new sprouts of eyebrows. How long did it take before your new hairs turned into real hairs?
  • kristin

    you say "no time" what does that mean??? weeks? days? months? was it after your prednisone prescription was up? The only hair I am truly missing is leg hair... i wouldnt be to bummed if it didnt come back however. hehe. but the hair on my head is fine thin baby hairs just about all over, im in my fifth week and have one more to go. I am interested in your eyelash drops ill have to ask my derm about that