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I have a daughter with alopecia. I want to know some ways how to make her feel more at ease
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • tony

    hi there daughters has it to but hestitate about injections.Curious to know what sort of injections shes taking?
  • tony

    Hi Marsha thanks for getting back, just curious to know what shes getting and if you inquired about long term effects of the injections if any just nervous about steroids at her age. I found a doctoer who has done many studies on alopecia so going to see if we can see her she's at sick kids hospital in Toronto here which is well respected kids hospital all over the world will keep you up to date on what she suggests.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Marsha,
    I've written a book that has a chapter devoted to parents and kids with alopecia. If you're interested, go to my page and find out might help you a lot. Take care!