Tamara Reckley




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About Me:
My name is Tamara. My daughter Terrinique is 7 yrs old. In March 09 she lost all her hair and now the eyelashes and eyebrows are off. I never heard about AA before this. We live in Nassau and this is very rare. I am trying to be strong for her. It's nice to find others with the same problem.
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Tamara!
    How are you today?
  • Children's Alopecia Project

    Hi Tamara:

    If you have not done so yet, register at www,childrensalopeciaproject.org so you have access to the calendar and chats. We can send you information too.

    The most important part in this process is you, not your daughter. Your beautiful daughter will gain her strength through you and her self-esteem will increase as it happens.

    I am not a clinician but what worked for me is to treat her like any other child, play with the fact you have to massage her head instead of combing her hair. I have four daughters and if I brush their hair I will always tell Maddie to come over for a rub and massage.

    Never encourage her to wear a wig, hat, bandana or anything else. Let her make that decision. If you do she may think you want it covered and could be ashamed. 5yrs ago when my daughter lost her hair that's what we did. We thought it was best for her but she never wanted to wear things that would make her feel different, so she took off the hats and never wears anything on her head, except sunscreen.

    Most important, don't let her see how sad you are about her losing her hair, she will feel quilt that she is making mommy sad. Be strong in front of her and when she is not around and you feel you must be weak and let your emotions out, do it so she dose not know.

    You will find your way, I am still very sad after 5 years that one out of my four daughters is bald. Even after founding the Children's Alopecia Project my daughter and other kids stories make me sad and at the same time very proud. Proud because I know it gets better and it will with you and you will get stronger and stronger.

    Just remember. Alopecia is an autoimmune disease that has no cure. Please do not waste your money or time buying anything that says other wise. Alopecia is an autoimmune disease just like diabetis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, crohns disease, etc. A discovery needs to be found so be patient and embrace the her loss and help build her self-esteem, it the best medicine in the long run.

    Please visit and register at www.childrensalopeciaproject.org and please take care. Love to your daughter as well.

    Jeff Woytovich
  • Kymm

    Welcome to alopecia world Tamara & Terrinique . Hope you two enjoy this site, I love it.