


United States

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About Me:
I had Alopecia Areata as a kid. I had very long, thick hair. I was on the swim team. Well my hair would get very knotted having it up in a cap and my mom or dad wold comb out the snarls every night. My mom found my fisrt patch. I started seeing a dermatolist who perscribed a gell that worked great. My hair grew back and no one really new except my family.

20 years later it came back. Over the past few years I got a few small random patches and steroid injections have been working. However recently things seem to have really progressed. My small patch has gotten bigger and bigger. I was scheduled to go in for the shots and decided I should check for any new patches. Well I found 6 small patches. I am terrified that they will progress like the other one and I will no longer be able to hide it.

In the same sense that I am afraid of loosing my hair, I also feel validated because for months I had been finding loose hairs everywhere. But whenever I would mention it to friends or family they would say "oh that's normal you should see how much hair I pull out of the drain" Deep down I knew that this was not normal for me. I am not just paranoid this is really happening.

Because I am still at a stage that people really would never know unless I tell them, I decided that now is the time to reach out to others who have experienced this and prepare myself for what may come.
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Dotty

    Hi Carrie,
    Nice to meet you. I am planning an informal get together in Boston on the weekend of September 13th. I think it will probably be brunch or something like that. There is a tattoo convention that weekend that my hubby and I would like to attend, so I thought we could work it all in together, considering I work every weekend and I am taking that one off. I hope you can come. Believe me when I tell you that once you meet others, it feels like we are all one big extended family. I have been AU for seven years so I have lots more "acceptance" time than you, I'm a big advocate for Alopecia awareness and I talk about it with everyone who will listen. I also read that you were looking for hats, etc. I have an ebay store that I sell hats, scarves, bandanas, doo rags, etc. I would be happy to send you some. Just let me know. I have many different baseball caps. That is usually all I wear unless I am dressing up, then it's a lovely scarf. If you would like to contact me, you can email me at I look forward to meeting you.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Dotty

    Hi Carrie,
    Looks like September 13th it is. We are throwing out ideas on places. I have had suggestions of The Cheesecake factory, Vinny T's (Italian), and Firefly (BBQ). I was thinking around 11 - 12ish for brunch or lunch. Let me know your thoughts. You can google the places and get the reviews and info. I'm really getting very excited. I can't wait to meet everyone.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Rachel

    Thank you so much for your encouragement. Your comments on my blog helped me to feel more confident leaving my house in this wig. Thank you so much!!!