

West Hollywood, CA

United States

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About Me:
I'm 33, and recently in the last 2 months discovered a bald patch on the back right of my scalp. Since my hair is shaved down on the sides, it was pretty obvious. over the last 2 months, it has slowly grown. I have been receiving injections and they seem to be sprouting hair within in the patch, but the hair along side the rim of the patch is still falling out. I'm terrified :(
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Scott

    Hey Ernesto -- thanks for your note. I'm hanging in there. My largest spot is now about the size and shape of a Sardine can (that's the best equivalent I can come up with). It seems to have stabilized for now -- not growing as quickly and I'm seeing a line of new dark hair coming in at the margins. So it seems that I'm recovering some of the most recently lost hair at the moment. It's all been such a big adjustment at the end of fairly stressful year. I'm hoping my body will be able to work out some sort of balance soon. Hope all is well with you! Cheers.
  • Jett Ramone

    hey Ernesto, how are you dude ? was just on the site and thought I'd drop in and see you !
  • tommy

    thanks for the PM, cant reply as it wont let me! hope your cool
