


United Kingdom

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About Me:
I've had AU since the age of 17 & I really do love alopecia!! I fully embrace it to the extent that I actually thoroughly enjoy it! - I love a bit of banter & mickey-taking & hope that there are like-minded people here.

I have a great partner (Nat) of 16 years (Unfortunately, 16 years is NOT her age! - lol) & two great daughters (Laura 8yrs & Kim 7yrs). They all have hair by the way... Poor sods!

Other interests are motorcycles, music & whatever else...!!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

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  • Sharan

    Hey skin, its B and 5r's here in Scotland. Have a tammy on ma heid 24/7 just now. You need some professional make-up lessons there. Bit a drastic look dontcha think. C ya
  • Michelle

    Just wanted to say that I love your attitude. :)
  • dianna

    i just want to say you a wonderful person no matter what.keep you smile on you face and bee happy.