

eagle pass, texas

United States

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I am 32 years old and i have AT... I am a 4th grade teacher, a mother of two wonderful boys (ages 7 and 2 years), and happily married for 11 years...After reading more about AA, I am glad to tell my friends and family that my hair loss isn't because of stress only, other factors play into it and one thing i would like for them to understand is that there's is no cure for it so that they would stop asking me when is your condition going to get better.....One thing I am thinking of doing is printing out a summary about it and hand it out as they ask me..... :)

I have been saying that i have had AA for about 6 years...but let me tell you my story...when i was about ten years old i noticed 2-3 small bald spots and my parents took me to the pediatrician and he told them that it was because of stress....i don't remember taking any treatment for it and the bald spots did go away...then AA came back in my senior year of high school and went away without treatment.....AA was back for the 3rd time in my junior year of college and went away without came back when i had my first baby at age 26 and ever since then i have not been free from AA (i feel weird calling it a disease since physically i feel very healthy) age 26 is when i seeked the help of a dermatologist because i had health insurance...i had the scalp injections and i stopped when i was 30 years old because i became pregnant with my second boy...right after i gave birth i went back to the dermatologist and started the scalp injections and Prednisone....the scalp injections didn't bother me at all...not as painful as it sounds or as other people describe it (as far as for me)...well this January of 2008 i said no more Prednisone or injections since i noticed gaining some weight and i was becoming more anxious.....anyways my treatment was not responding like it used to felt like fighting a painful battle when i knew what the results were going to be...there's no cure for AA so i was exhausted from the cycle of hope and disappointment and i did not want to gain any more weight....i don't know if i made the right decision in stopping the treatment since i've read that once you stop cortisteroids, AA could become AT; and now i have about 3 months that i am bald...i only have about 2-3 patches of hair....overall i think i am handling well...i am trying for now....i have had outbursts and once i have cried myself to sleep over friends and family are very supportive, but still when i look at myself in the mirror i miss my hair and the way MY own hair made me look....sometimes i love my wig because it helps me look like a person with hair, but sometimes i just want to throw it because it's not my hair.......i haven't taken any pictures where i look bald, maybe i should...but like my husband tells me: "baby steps babe" picture on my profile is from last July of 2007.....i look good, but i admit that it's my smile that brings out my energy, and not my hair :)

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  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Ruth, Yes, I have attended live support groups and ran the support group here in the Montreal area, until this May, since my plans are to marry and move to the USA in the fall.
  • Sarah S

    Hi Ruth. I graduated from UTSA in 2000. I stopped taking Prednisone because I had weight gain and it seemed like I was on edge all the time. I just did not have a good experience on the medicine. Hope you had a nice week!
  • JET

    Hello; I just wanted to stop in and say Hello. Have a wonderful weekend.
