

Chandler, TX

United States

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About Me:
My name's Amanda. I love reading and writing. I'm very free spirited and love life. I'm very strong willed. I make good grades in school. I'm a christian and go to God with everything. I have many great friends that help me through a lot. I've had alopecia since fourth grade and struggle everyday. I also have trichotillomani, which i fomed last year due to stress from switching schools. My family can't understand and i get that,but i need to know somebody that can...that's why i'm trying this out. :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Danny

    looks like we already have a few things in common then :D
  • Kimberley

    hiyaa :)
    I was just looking through as just wondered how you was coping now?
  • Kimberley

    heya, i was just looking on my wall and saw your comment, so glad it changed your view, just wondered how your coping? xx