Michael Andrew Anderson


Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal

South Africa

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
I have had Alopecia for 3 years now...
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Michelle

    Hi Michael. so gland to find someone with alopecia in South-africa. welcome to the group. please send me a mail i would love to chat

    Regards Michelle
  • Michelle

    Hi Michael. I'm so glad you replied. My story started 8 months ago when i noticed one night while i was washing my hair that there was more hair in the bath then other time. I thought well it is the change of seasons but only notice the next morning the BALD SPOT. It was as big as a R5 coin. I covered it up and hoped my hair will grow back (hair has the tendency to grow back) By December (a 4 months later) the spot had a mind of its own and grew bigger by the day and was now the size of my palm (10cm by 10cm) I eventually went and sow a doctor. He told me it was stress and it will grow back in the next few months. but i have to start getting active eat healthy and find a way to get rid of the stress in my life. So that is what i did. Then the annual cansa shavathon, and i always spry my hair but this year my mom went with and when it was my turn I said to the guy don't spry shave. His look on his face was priceless and he asked me about 10 times if i was sure. He started to shave my head and i was aware of everyone staring at this huge bald spot. I looked over to my mom (she is 61) and she was shaving her head to. After all my hair was off my mom counted 9 other spots on my head. I know someone said something about alopecia but at that stage shock set in and i was not paying attention. That afternoon i send a pic of me and my mom to my brother in the UK. he phoned and said you have alopecia, I started to read up on this disease and with in 3days i was diagnosed. It is now almost 2 months on and i have not looked back. I don't where a wig or anything for that matter and shave my head once a day (i still have some hair left) i just went on with my life as if i still had hair. AND i still gym. I told the guy who gives me my abs classes i need work on my body ASAP, i need a killer body to go with my fabulous hairstyle. I have a page on facebook and I'm bussy with a website alopeciasa@webs.com and a domain. to start a support group for everyone