
48, Female


United States

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Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I'm Saphy from South Florida. I was once a super confident person with gorgeous, long, thick curly hair. I had so much of it, that I would secretly wish I could shave some of it off. As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for. I just recently buzzed most of it off, but before that, I barely had enough for a decent ponytail. /cry

I have not been officially diagnosed with anything yet but I am fairly confident that I have androgenic alopecia. I first noticed hair loss during my freshman year of high school and have been steadily thinning out since. Strangely, I am the only woman in the family to suffer from this condition. This sucks! :-(

So why have I not been officially diagnosed, you ask? Trust me, I've tried. I've had almost every lab test available on the planet, always with the same result. "There is nothing wrong with you." The one dermatologist I visited just looked at my hair, ran her fingers through it and told me I should start using rogaine. (Some help she was!) This isn't normal... but I have come to accept it. Although I will seek a real diagnosis eventually.

As for who I am, (because I am not my hair or lack thereof... hehe). I am an avid fan of anything sci-fi, fantasy or anime related. I love reading, watching movies and playing PC games... when I am not working or in school, that is. I am pursuing a Bachelors in Mathematics. Yes, I am a geek, and I love it! :-P
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Very interesting story!
    I love sci-fi too. Are you a Trekkie?
  • Dawn

    Hi Saphy!!
  • Laurie

    Hey Saphy,

    I think I have androgenetic alopecia as well. And I was a geek in school, too! Everyone around me hated their math classes while I loved them. Do you wear wigs or just keep your hair short?