Alicia Duncan


Waterford, MI

United States

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About Me:
I've always had thin, fine hair. I used to be called, "Qtip" in high school because I had just enough to cover my head. It never really bother me much because I had so many wonderful friends who loved my Qtip head.
I've been thinning the last 5 years without really understanding what was going on. After tons of hormone checks, blood tests, etc. I have just diagnosed with Alopecia areata. It took awhile to diagnose because I've been wearing Prohair extensions so my hair didn't look as splotchy and patchy as I really am.

The interesting thing is that my mother has Alopecia totalis. However, she has lived with her condition in isolation, fear and much pain. My heart goes out to her in the deepest compassion. Alopecia has been paralyzing to her in some ways. I've decided to make this MY experience by reaching out, being honest and open. I hope to find healing within community and turn this into a rich, meaningful experience for becoming a more deeply compassionate human being. But it's still hard. Really, really hard.

So, that's my story. Thanks for establishing a community. I look forward to being a valuable member. :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Jennah

    Hi ALicia! you are lovely :) was just looking at your pics and I love your wigs. I have blonde thinning hair naturally. Find it hard to get a good blonde. would you be able to let me know a bit about yours. How much do you pay for them and how do you find them for quality etc? much appreciated :)xo

  • Larry Barbee

    Hi Alicia. I think you've contributed a lot to this group.
    God bless,

  • Andrea

    Hi Alicia, I've just started a discussion on wig reviews ... not new wigs but 6-12 month old wigs.  They all look beautiful when they arrive, but what we really need to know is how they wear over the course of time.  Would love it if you could contribute!