
, Female


United States

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About Me:
I have had alopecia since I was 5 years old. It has been a long journey of acceptance. I am married, have 2 dogs and 1 cat. I moved to Arizona in 1985 from Illinois. Growing up with alopecia has been a challenge and definitely effected my self esteem. I had no support of any kind going thru grade school and high school. I remember praying for a miracle. God must have a plan for me. Now, I am so grateful that I can finally talk to others who truly understand. It's great knowing you are not alone.
I also have to mention I LOVE coffee!!
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  • Dotty

    Hi Nancy, just stopping by to say hello and miss you. Big hugs to you.
  • Susan Innes

    Hi Nancy,

    So good to hear from you, and it has been ages! I'm bald as ever and like you, rarely go out without my wig, the exception being when I'm driving on the highway wearing a floppy hat until the destination is reached. Then the wig goes back on:). It's hot here now too!

    My husband, Don, died in April of 2011, after battling severe emphysema for almost 8 years. This year after joining a Madison social group for widows and widowers, a couple of gentlemen came into my life. It's been a challenge with the wigs (mine being a Freedom wig, also expensive) but the one I've decided to continue seeing is extremely supportive.

    I miss everyone. We have an active group forming in the Milwaukee area but every one has been when there's been a conflict here...grrrr. I started a group on Alopecia World called "Alopecians in Wisconsin" which I hope will help others in the area.

    Stay in touch; I hope the husband and dog are still doing well.

    ((Hugs)) Susan
  • Radim

    Hi Nancy, I've just discovered your comment from 2010. I'm sorry not to detect it sooner. I hope you're feeling great and enjoying everything around you. :)