
38, Female


United States

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About Me:
22 years old... Have a beautiful daughter and a wonderful husband. Completely new to this whole thing! Began having autoimmune problems at 21... But I try to stay positive although I am VERY nervous/afraid of what the future with this disorder might bring! I'm interested in meeting anyone who wants to talk and share experiences, feelings, or helpful info!
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  • Lee

    Hi Katie...nice to meet you! If you have any questions about AA or wigs, feel free to ask ; )
  • Rachel H.

    Hi there! Thanks for the add! You and your little one are just gorgeous!!
  • Trisha

    Hello, Katie! My name is Toni and I have Alopecia as well. I also work for Professional Hair Institute of Colorado in Denver. We offer many options, free consultations and have a quarterly support group. Please let me know if you would like to meet personally or come by to see if our studio can help you in any way. Love your photos!