Lea Porter


Houston, TX

United States

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About Me:
My daughter has AT.
Do you have alopecia?
I do not have alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Makayla M

    Yes, I wear the Follea Gripper! I absolutely love it! I have never swam it it, but I have worked out in it, which is really easy because it's nice and light. It doesn't use tape or anything. It has silicone in it, and you can just take it on an off as you please. Does she even sleep in hers? I can't imagine that! I have done it a few times, but every night? If she opts for the Gripper, y'all will NOT be disappointed! I'm obsessed with it :) Ad yes, I know Logan! He went to my Frog Camp and lived in my hall. We were very good friends freshman year :)
  • cindy Babs

    hi lea. thanks for writing.my name is Geneva Modrak. my daughter is on here (colette modrak). i think i told u that. she recently blogged "college advice". she got some amazing response if u haven't read them.i will b anxiously awaiting the day we move into the dorms and the days following. she plans to go close to home and to a small school. she's thinking about nursing or something in health care. she got a freedom wig in august. the hair is beautiful. she like to pull it back and of course the hairline is not lace. she did run cross country for all 4 yrs of hs. we ordered a custom follea in FEBruary!! it is supposed to arrive at our hair stylist tonight. i'll believe it when i c it. first it was due in may, then july, then aug, sept...then i blew up. follea had a fire the week we place our $3500 order. won't get into it. ugh. it is supposed to be lace with "some grip". whatever. definitely not a gripper. supposed to be long 16-18 inches. she's dying for it b'c she loves pulling her hair in a pony. the fw comes up so high in the back she's not comfortable pulling it up. we need more wispies cut. although our stylist wants to specialize in hair replacement she mainly does men and male-patterned women i think. she wasn't all that comfortable and confident cutting our fw. we also just ordered another fw a few weeks ago. so hopeful she will have 3 wigs she can rotate around. she doesn't take the best of care of them. last night after she ran she threw her fw in her sink and would've left it there until this morning. i brushed it out last night and put some shine serum in, etc. i won't b there next year...it's so nice to meet u. wish we lived closer. is your daughter au? my daughter did get her eyebrows done. too thin for me but she is ever so tentative. she is happy with them and that is all that matters. looking forward to keeping in touch. colette is getting more open with me and her dad but not her friends i don't think. she has a friend in town that's in grad school in our town. stacie duda. she's on here also. and then when she posted that blog last week a girl that is a freshman at university of rochester responded and said she'd like to meet up!! i'm looking forward to that. life is definitely turned a corner for us from 2 1/2 yrs ago.....take good care. geneva

  • cindy Babs

    i know makayla is great and inspiring. colette is very shy and introverted. she's not as mature as u may think. she has a small group of friends and they know but i don't think she talks about it at all with them. at first i was hoping maybe onw of them would go to the same college as she and they could room toghter but that is not going to happen. :( we were introduced to stacie thru a hs teacher who has been a Godsend. stacie has never felt sorry for herself for a moment. she is FULL of confidence, and GORGEOUS with and w/o hair. colette has spent a little bit of time with her and that has definitely made a difference. colette wore a hat pulled down over her forehead and ears for 14 months. stacie was there when she first wore a wig to a birthday party.i wasn't allowed to even say wig for over a year so i sometimes still hesitate. you are so lucky your daughter has eyebrows. we did shots too. she got a few hairs and several dents...so we quit. stacie uses a steroid cream on her's and has grown both her lashes and brows.i will let u know about the follea.as i said it's not a gripper. it will have to be taped. do u put the tape on the skin and then place the wig? do you use tape special for lace? i'll take any tips u have to offer.have u friended karen smith? she's another mom. her daughter is in college.how many wigs do u have? long? she is blonde which makes a good wig difficult. very hard to look natural. her fw is much darker than her natural color. i think the follea is going to be more blonde....i wish we had a really good hair person in town but haven't found one yet. i would think houston would have several good resources. it's a big city.colette has swam in all her wigs. she has cyberhair that she taped and now the fw. we are probably going to ny in jan or feb. do u recommend that salon for styling as well. are they human hair? colette said she plans to sleep in a wig when she goes to college. i really hope not. they get ruined and i want her to be comfortable and not feel like she has to hide. there is a young girl on here "calypso" that is looking for a good wig. she lives in eastern europe. she doesn't have any resources in her town. she blogged recently. is joseph paris on line? keep in touch. really good chatting with you. colette has a brother that is a sophomore at penn state (ugh). how many children do u have?