Natalie Lindsay




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About Me:
I was diagnosed with AA almost 1 year ago. I had about 6 patches of hair loss. SOme improvement as Nov rolled around, then out of the blue in Jan this year, all my hair started falling out, with body hair soon to follow.
I am a very active/fit mom of 2 and I work 2 very part-time jobs, and volunteer my life away when not working , while the kids are at school.
I have been married to a wonderfully supportive man for 12 years. My life was relatively stress-free before AU.
I think I handle this fairly well, with maybe a 1-2 times a month "poor me" day!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Julia McDowell

    Hi Natalie,

    Nice to meet you! Us Ottawa gals should get together over a coffee - we could have our own little support group. I'd be happy to organize it if there is interest?

    Have a wonderful day,

    Julia :)
  • Julia McDowell

    Come and meet up for coffee and chat at Timothy's, College Square, Baseline Road on Wed, June 23rd at 7:00 pm.

    Love to see you there!

  • katherine79

    Hi there! I noticed you were in ottawa and would love to meet up with other "hair challenged" girls:). I am pretty new to all of this and would love to chat.