Sarah Sproul

37, Female

Knoxville, TN

United States

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About Me:
Hello! My name is Sarah and I have had alopecia areata since I was 3 years old. I was able to conceal my alopecia all the way up until my first semester of college. I drastically started to lose my hair and decided to shave my head and get a wig. I lost my eyebrows about 2 years later after that. Alopecia has taught me to be more compassionate and understanding of people. It has formed me into who I am today. It has taken me a long time to realize this, but I believe that a person’s inner beauty brings out their outer beauty. It has definitely been a struggle for me and it always will be, but I believe alopecia has only made me stronger.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
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  • manu

    Hi Sarah, well you look so nice...
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey not worry one bit about that. As my husband says nursing school teaches you to think like a nurse...that is it (he has been a nurse for 15+ years now). You learn from experience. For the first year or two...I walked around without a clue. It is amazing how it all comes together :)
  • kdeff

    Hi Sarah, I live in the Nashville area and there is a company called Hair Prosthesis Institute that specialized in human hair wigs (HPI Nashville is their website and facebook name). My daughter is only 3 so we have never actually used them, but I have been talking to the people there just in case Lucy ever wants to look into it :) If you deal with them at all, let me know how it goes!