

Newark, CA

United States

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My 13month old son was recently diagnosed with alopecia. I noticed patches appearing on his head a month or 2 ago, but thought it was just from rubbing. I'm hping this is going to be temporary and go away but am trying to be prepared in case it doesn't go away.
Right now, he has several small patches, none completely bald, but the top of his head, the hair is very thin. This is kind of one big patch. My son had chicken pox a few months ago and is slightly low in iron, so weare giving him fer-in-sol drops. Just started this week. Hping that this helps. If anyone has any advice or experience with alopecia at such a young age, I'd lvoe to ehar from you. Thanks!
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Tom Patterson

    Well, it's 32 degrees here which is a bit of a heat wave of late.
  • Lynn AKA Mom of 2 w/AA

    Hi there FIzza! Sorry to learn your son has AA. My kids are 11 and 12 years old. I feel kind of bad for complaining. By looking at the kids, you'd never know they have AA ~ so far, it is concealed and they go for treatments every four weeks. There is a wonderful support group over at the Stanford Medical Center - that I believe meets once a month. Write any time & take care!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Fizza,
    How's the little one?
    Our next NAAF Meeting is the 3rd wed of March.
    Everything is going ok. The hairs about the same.
