Ashlie LeBlanc


Prince George BC


Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
Well Im almost 30 and I have a beauiful 10 year old girl named Morgan and the most amazing man (Charlie) any girl could ask for We're been together for a very long time and My life is good!!! We moved from yellowknife last June to Prince George BC so its almost one year. Right around that time is when I started seeing blad spots First it was 2 spots then 4 and 5 now It just one big spot It started on the left side of my head by my ear then moved SLOW to my right side and then down to my neck You can see from my pic's what I mean Some days are good and others not to much. I'll been having a hard time from the start. Thank God for my family. And Charlie!!! Any info or advice would be great ..
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Cheryl

    Hi Ashlie~
    Thanks... your daughter is beautiful and so are you. Nice to see pictures on here. I am still not comfortable posting any pics of myself. I am AU so hate to see it for real. It has been 7 years for me but still does not feel like this is who I am.Thus alll the pictures of the puppy!
    I grew up in PG and moved away in 2000. Have lived in Sask, AB, and BC all over since. I have met other alopecians along the way. I do not know any in PG tho. There was a guy that was on a few sites that was called Alopecia Boy that was in Prince George. Do not know if he still is tho.
    Email or post any time. I know this is tough.
  • Jacquie C

    Hi Ashlie,

    I would love to get together. I have not met anyone else in person with alopecia but have spoken to others on the web site. My email address is Good luck with going back to work. Just remember you are beautiful no matter if you have hair or not. (So much easier to say than to feel , but it is true) I look forward to hearing from you and seeing if we can plan a meeting. Take care.

  • Lexi

    Hello fellow ophiasian...Today I finally have a name for it, and can put pictures and faces together to show what I have, and I thought I was alone....HELLO ....!!!! Nice to meet u