

Kansas City, MO

United States

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About Me:
I thought I should update my profile. I guess you could say that I got over the fact that I have to wear wigs- not totally but mostly at least. I have become wig addicted. I LOVE them. I call them "hair hats" and I change them like jewelry, several times a day. It may be confusing to people at stores that see me constantly that one day I am a blonde and the next day I am a brunette but hey- I'm enjoying myself at least. I still haven't dated. I should do that soon. Much of my hair grew back but it's still wig city for me and anyway, I'm loving them. I used to fight with my hair all the time. Now I can have any style that I want. I just updated photos. I put lots up because I am constantly changing them. Oh! Other than that- I am an early 40s artist gal with an urban homesteading thing going on. I homeschool. I'm a vegetarian. I'm single. I don't want to think what this does to my dating life. Anyway. That's the basics of me...
Do you have alopecia?
Female pattern baldness
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Jauqui Craig

    Hello! I haven't been on Alopecia World in a very long time. Trying to get engaged with this group again. Sorry I never responded to you. Are you in KC?

  • Larry Barbee

    Even though I'm a straight male, I understand the joy and fun that comes from wearing different wigs. During my care free, hair free days in college I wore a variety of wigs, like you do now, except some days I'd go bald. I never wore wigs to hide my baldness, as I love my smooth shaved head .
    I loved the attention and the sheer fun of expressing myself in such an unusual way. I dated more and struck up great friendships with women, many of whom have remained friends.
    You mentioned how you feared what wig wearing was doing to your dating life. A lot of guys would find that attractive. I hope you'll get the confidence to open to guys being interested in you; the good ones will stick around and love you being you.
    God bless,

  • Le sage

    tu es craquante