Holly Ralston Oyler


Louisville, KY

United States

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About Me:
I have had alopecia for 36 years. In the beginning I did not know anyone else with alopecia. A friend sent me a newspaper clipping about Ashley Segal and I contacted her. I will never forget the very first alopecia conference in Las Vegas. It was so great knowing I was not the only bald woman in the world.

Since then, life has taken many turns and made a zillion changes. In 1980 my husband and I moved from Los Angeles to Louisville Kentucky. I opened a retail store in Louisville with my own makeup line (it was during one of my manic swings and I truly thought putting my name on a product line and a store front would work out). And, manic swing or not, I was right, the store has been going great ever since. After a year, I decided to go public with my hair loss and that changed the direction of what the store offered. Soon I was specializing in wigs for the medical client and that has been the focus throughout the years. Several years ago, I closed the store so my husband could retire. He loved retirement, I lasted three days before going out and getting a job behind the cosmetic counter in a local department store. That lasted two years and I just could not stand it anymore, so I did the insane thing of walking out one day. On the way home, I passed a storefront with a for lease sign in the window. You got it, I stopped in, signed the lease and then went home to tell Ray we were up and running again. He wasn't thrilled, but he has supported me throughout all the changes in my life and this was just another one to deal with. This time around the focus is still on hair loss but also incorporates fashion makeup, wedding makeup and commercial fashion styling and makeup work - so it is a better balance for me to deal with on a daily basis.

Please note that because of the retail store and the commercial work that I do, I may not get to my Alopecia World messages right away. I make a point of picking them up at least every three or four days, so please be patient with me. There are times that I am on location or a deadline and just cannot get to my computer every day.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
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  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Holly,
    Hey, I used to get eyelash glue from you!
    Remember me? It's nice to see your name here.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Nope, I can't come to the conference this year. I wish I could, but I found out about it too late. Are you going?
    Hey, I still have that nifty glue applicator I got from you a million years ago. It's so perfect. You know, the bottle with the plastic thingy you put the glue on with? Do you still carry those (if I lose this one!)? What have you been up to? Did you see that my book is out? (Check out my page)
  • Diane

    Bonjour Holly,
    Thanks for your comments on my blog... The journey to self-acceptance is a long one but with the support of others, it is easier! thanks again for all the work you've done during the NAAF Conference... as I said, we did not meet face to face but you have given me the greatest gift ever!