
32, Female

caseyville IL

United States

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Hey my name is myranda and i am 17yrs old i have been dealing with hairloss for about 5yr.i love to ride forweelers and play sports im really active i love softball i play for my highschool the only bad thing is when i wore slip on wigs it would come off but its good now It has been awful but one thing that i can say that has come out of this is that it has made me the grow up and mature about 10x faster than what i should have but that doesnt hurt anyone it makes you so much stronger. my parents and my family have been there for me and i think them for that. i am 19 yrs old and you would expect for me to have a million friends and its not because i choose for it to be that way its because kids are MEAN i have got jumped by grls at school just so they could show ppl what i look like with no wig they talk about me like im a celeb. and im not lieing ppl who i dont even no know my name i have had an awful time in highschool but you no what i let it get to me and it didnt help me any so now i just brush it off like there dirt Photobucket HERE IS THE MOST AMAZING SHOW EVER IT REALLY CHANGED MY LIFE

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Alopecia areata
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  • Jennifer and Alieena

    Sorry Im just getting back to you. Its a patch that the doctor put on her head to numb where they would do the injections.
  • Maygensmom

    I too am sorry that it has taken so long to reply. I have had a busy busy few months. Anyways, Maygen started loosing her hair last October, right as she turned 13. By January she lost almost all of her hair. In march we took her to a doctor who put her on steriod pills. Part of her hair grew a mohawk...not even centered down the middle of her head. But there was regrowth. This summer it started falling out again and took less than a few weeks for it to all come out again. She is handling it really well.
  • Maygen

    sorry it has taken so long to reply. we have just one computer in our house and the internet is on dial up so it takes FOREVER to do anything........anyways....whats up??