
, Female



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About Me:
i am a 30-something mom to two beautiful boys (my oldest was just diagnosed with Alopecia - he's 6 years old). i have a wonderful husband who makes me feel beautiful everyday.

in the Spring of 1996, i went home for the summer after my college exams were over. my mom noticed that my hair looked thin. i was diagnosed with Alopecia in June of that year. by August, i was completely bald. i had just turned 22 years old.

while my hair was falling out and for the first year i was bald, i thought my life was over. my favourite part of myself had always been my long, blond hair. when it fell out, i didn't know how i could continue without it.

my parents took me to many places to try wigs on, and none of them made me feel better. i had the delusion that i could find something that made me look exactly as i did with my own hair. i soon realized that it was an exercise in futility, and was crushed. i spent so many hours crying in my room, wondering how i could face the world ever again.

i had an idea one day, and asked my incredibly talented mother to crochet me a "skull cap". what she came up with is what i still wear out in public. i've never worn a wig...i just wasn't comfortable with it, and felt more at ease if my baldness wasn't hidden

i made the tough decision to go back to school in September after losing all of my hair. it was one of the hardest things i've ever done, but probably one of the best. i knew if i didn't do it then, i was never going to go back.

i met my husband at college a year later, and the rest is history.

i've come to terms with the fact that i will most likely be bald for the rest of my life. i've tried a few treatments like DPCP, but Alopecia Universalis has a low rate of successful regrowth.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

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  • Craig S

    Hi Cate- I met a lady who does very professional work using special pigments for eyebrows- don't go for the Tatoos! She is in Oakville and area and works with cosmetic surgeons etc. She has worked with many women with Alopeica doing eyebrows and eyelashes!

    Her name is Ann-Marie at

    All the best!

  • Cheryl

    hi i hate wigs - with a passion - too good to know not everyone wears them :)
    my eyebrows have been tatooed twice and was easssy and now have my eyeliner done too can't believe i lived without it!!!
  • Jennifer Krahn

    Hi Cate,
    Just wondering if you managed to contact CANAAF and how the presentation to the class is coming along?