
38, Female


United States

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About Me:
hi my name is jenna i am 23 yrs old. i have had alopecia areata since the age of 7. i just recently got married to the love of my life jerry. i really love to just have fun party and spend time with the Lord. i love my friends and family and especially jerry. i am simply a real country girl i love bluegrass and country music you name it i will listen. i stay at home so yeah im a house wife but it gives me time to work on my book and spend time with my family. i live in the smallest part of Georgia, so yeah its little. all my friends call me queen of the bald or jen. i am also writing a book about my life with alopecia areata and a book of poetry that someday i hope to get both published but its hard to find a publisher. me and jerry have 2 dogs~ coco and jager, jager is one year and coco is 7months and she is a black pug. i love my life and i couldn't be happier.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Cindy

    Also, good luck with your book project!!
  • Cindy

    Hi Jen, thank you for taking the time to write me your lovely post. I am going to share it with Sam. Your parents raised you right. You sound like a wonderful person with lots of positive energy. You are going to do a lot of good over the course of your life..I hope you post more often because I think you can offer a lot people a positive outlook on life and living with Alopecia. Thank you!Cindy
  • Cindy

    Do you mean NAAF?