Amber Lounder


Shediac nb


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About Me:
I'm 37 and just discovered I have Alopecia Areata going for Totalis
I'm a professional artist ,I paint large portraits of women Hmm perhaps the look of my paintings will change to Bald Beauties. I'm married and I have 4 children.
At first loosing my hair was very difficult ,traumatic really
I've learned to like myself regardless Wigs can be fun and those bad days come around a lot less
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
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  • Vinichuk Oksana

    Hi ... I am pleased to hear compliment from artist ...:)) You are very beautiful ... especially without the wig ... I think you need more to please his students learned without hair
  • Pat

    Hey Amber congrats on your regrowth!! Absolutely fantastic. I used to go to your blog site where you posted your latest creations but I've lost the link...any chance you can send it to me?
  • Ali

    hey friend how's all ya famly
    sorry i've been so long awy of internet because os kaddaffe if u knw
    it waz 6 month of war
    and cost us lots of blood am glad am a life and so sorry 4 da deads
    i smell freedom now wooooo