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About Me:
I found out I was pregnant in November of 2006. We were so excited. A few months had past and things were going great! No morning sickness and I was looking forward the the beautiful full head of hair I had been reading and hearing all about. Then I noticed that hair was falling out, not just a few strands like normal, but fists full. I thought this was weird, but didn't read to much into it. I had mentioned it to my OBGYN, she said she has never heard of that much hair falling out during pregnancy, and if I had a concern to go see a dermatologist. There wasn't a concern until I noticed a bald spot the size of a golf ball. I made an appointment right away. "Alopecia" she said with no hesitation. Oh, okay, I can deal with this, it's just during pregnancy right? That's when the heartbreaking information was explained to me.
Then it was the waiting game. Was it all going to fall out, at what point do I just shave it all off, was I going to be a bald pregnant woman? The anticipation was killing me, as 100's of hairs from my head fell out every time I touched it. I ended up having a bald spot the size of a softball, two smaller ones, and thinning all throughout. I considered myself lucky because I was still able to cover it all up, barely. The hair stopped falling, and sprouts were growing. It has been growing ever since, and I am lucky to have my hair back. I know this could be only for the moment. I did notice a bald spot the size of a dime last month.
This has been such a challenge for me. Some days I am okay with it, other days I feel so unlucky. The love and support from my family helps me through it.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • LeslieAnn Butler

    It can be a roller coaster ride! I've had it for a long time and now I am doing just great with are you today?
  • Jessica

    Hi Nichole,
    Wow sounds like my story. Did you have a boy? I did and the hair loss didn't happen with my girls. Not sure if it was connected but I also have hypothyroidism and the doc told me that a lot of people with alopecia have other auto immune diseases. Would love to chat more I will send you a message when i have more time. Keep your head up, i know what you mean about bad days they Will get better I promise.
  • Jessica

    Hey Nicloe,

    How is everything going?
