
39, Female

kansas city

United States

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In a Relationship
About Me:
When I was three I lost ALL my hair...but my parents didnt associate the hair loss with alopecia, they thought I had injested something, neverless my hair grew back. Then In June 2008 I found a bald spot, I went to the doctor and I was told I have AA, it was quite a shock because I felt something was wrong with me, i decided to keep my chin up and get some treatment, not but a month later I found out I was expecting, I thought again it was an answer to my prayers...i would grow my hair back fast because of the baby....i was wrong. I am loosing more and more everyday...and its hard to be confident when you hate your hair.

**UPDATE 02/15/10 **
My hair has begun growing back...quite a crazy thing, I am still always expecting it to turn and start falling out again. I am thankful. On a sad note I have noticed within the past couple weeks my 5 year old daughter is showing signs of having this condition as well. We are waiting on the call from the specialist so we can move foward with treatment. She is such a trooper....the first thing she said to me when we left the doctors office was " I cant wait to grow my hair back so I can share it with the kids who are sick and dont have hair" - We have never cut her hair, and until a few weeks ago it was long, curly and thick. We have talked about donating some to Locks of love when it got long enough...she has been so excited to do it....
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
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  • Craig S

    Hi May- I am not a girl- but felt that you should see your derm for at least an opinion. i have read alot about B12, B6 and Zinc deficiency in AA cases. Adrenal levels drop as a result and cortisol gets the immune response activated- stress triggers repeated bouts that don't resolve if you are still mineral depleted..seems reasonable to speak to a Naturopathic Doctor or someone willing to do some tests.

    Dermatologists stick to the Kenalog shots, oral prednisone and topical treatments like Rogaine to stimulate follicles- it woks, but in my case- temporaory, then it gets worse.

    I am trying the holistic route, prior to shaving the mess off!

  • Shana and Taylor

    do you have a child?

    I saw a little girl so.....

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hey May! Thanks for the birthday wishes! I feel like I am in the garden on your page! nice!