


United States

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About Me:
I am 54 years old and got alopecia areata when I was 18 and then alopecia totalis when I was 27. I am now losing my eyelashes on my right side and have lost my eyebrows on that same side also. I really thought the hair loss thing kind of came to a stand still, till this started happening a month or so ago. Looks like I have just about arrived at alopecia universalis...

This has been a very frusting and long trip for me but I have accepted this trial that I have to bear in life. It is just something I wouldn't wish on my worse enemy. My family is a great support system as well as my friends who know that I have AT. After all these years though, I still haven't gotten enough courage up to just tell people and let them accept me for who I am. When someone comments on my hair, I get so self-conscious and I feel so very uncomfortable, that usually I quickly change the subject and move on to talking about something else. I am hoping joining this group will give me the courage to stand up for myself and not care what other people think or say. After all, this is not something I asked for or can control. As I said before, this is a trial I have been asked to bear in life and I try my best to do what I can to live life to its fullest each and everyday :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Karina

    ¨Geri..I feel identify with your comment..may I ask U what wigs do U wear and if they atr comfortable..Im very depressed with this
  • soniamarry

    This is the song i do at Kareoke. I love this song, but lately it seems that i have lost the notes to my songs. I recently found a bald spot and have joined the group to seek support and encouragement. I , too, try and disguise my spot as I cannot bring myself to tell people what has happened to me. My boyfriend is the only one who knows and he is a major support system for me, but he doesn't quite understand how it feels. Thank you for reminding me of the good old times with this song. Maybe one day i can get back up there and sing!
  • BTB (John)

    Hi Geri one of those cant sleep nights and decided to say high to my US alopecian friends though I dont get much communication back. Going to Bangkok om Sunday for business and while there pick up some hair for Pat its really cheap. You can offer girls in the street ten dollars and they chop it off there and then. anyway you look great in your pics you work out a lot or inheritated great genes and black is your colour. John xoxo