

Jacksonville, FL

United States

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About Me:
Born with Alopecia Areata, but didn't start REALLY losing my hair until around 1998. I am one of the lucky ones whose hair fell out very, very I had a lot of time to prepare before having to purchase my first hair piece (I wear vacuum pieces from New Hair Technology based out of NYC).

I haven't been to a doctor or even tried anything new in a long time, because all of that just upsets me when I'm usually never upset about it! I prefer to just go on with life without worrying about not having any hair. I don't ever go out in public bald, but at the same time I don't keep my Alopecia a secret either. I don't have a problem talking about it, or showing people...i'm just a girly-girl and prefer not to be bald in public.

I'm going to take some bald pics and post some on here soon! :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
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  • MiNAH

    Wedding pics are amazing, ugh, and you are too!
  • Jennifer Krahn

    Hi Ashley,
    Thank you for the friendship! You are Stunning and the two of you make a beautiful couple (you should have lots of babies...:) ) All the best.
  • RlynnSII

    wow, you do look awesome! that makes me cry! my daughter is going through such a hard time right now & i can't wait to show her ur pictures of how beautiful u are! she used to have such thick hair that i would die for! she is going to be so happy!

    Thank you, you are amazing! xoxox  ♥!