
55, Female

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Hi, My name is Dina and I am 40 years old. I am from New England. I have had Alopecia Areata for almost 10 years now. With the help of great wigs and supportive family and friends, I have adjusted very well to the disease.
I am here to share how I feel about alopecia. I know many feel sad or bad about having the disease. I have to say, I have never felt that way. The only time I felt scared was when I found my first bald spot and all I could think was that I was seriously ill. However, after finding out what i had and my bloodwork and my check-ups all coming back clean, I was not only RELIEVED but thankful. I have lost many friends and family members to cancer. I thank god that if I was to be given anything at that point in time that it was alopecia. I remember sharing with my hairdresser the news and sort of whining a bit about what was I going to do? She told me she was recently diagnosed with MS - another reality check for me. From the beginning I carried on as normal. I wore pieces for awhile and transitioned into full wigs when needed. Nothing special or custom either, human hair by Wig-Pro - not terribly expensive but very natural and no one was the wiser. I of course tell people I have the condition but I have to tell them. I own a retail business so I am around people all of the time, I have never let this disease get in the way of going boating, being around people, working out, etc etc. I have alopecia but I don't let it have me. I have had men not want to date me because of it, I feel more badly for them than myself. I can't relate sometimes to people with this disease who totally let it ruin their lives because when I was first diagnosed I joined NAAF.org and gosh, those stories scared me, these women were just about suicidal. I was worried that would happen to me, I actually stopped going to that website because I didn't want their experiences hurting mine. I tried some treatments early on. However, my dermatologist put it into perspective for me right from the beginning, you can try different treatments Dina but there is no cure. Some treatments might work some might now, but you will have to be diligent about the ones that do. I am just not willing to poke my head with needles, pour solutions on my head or take any type of medication orally to grow hair only for a short time.
I think you just have to put it into perspective that it is hair, for the 10 years I have had it, I have been healthy and I really don't give it much thought or attention. It has to become your new norm!!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Jennifer Krahn

    Hi Dina,
    Thanks for the add . I really enjoyed reading your profile. Your attitude is fabulous and seems similar to mine in that I'm not into all of these treatments. I did them at first as this was the doctor's recomendation but man i am relieved that it is over. I too also get a bit scared in reading about the insecurities of women with this condition...I understand having some bad days...I mean who doesn;t have an insecurity day about themselves regardless of hair, but there is no way I would let being hairless stop me from doing the things I love. I really appreciate your attitude and pictures. Have a good one
  • semih develi

    hi babaes !
  • bbonbi

    Just sent a friend request b/c am not sure how to use the site! I"m new here but have had AU for 30 damn years. Like you, I try to have perspective, cuz this is a fact of life. I want more style/color options - where are your wigs from? thanks, Dina. Have a good day -