Being a young bald guy really sucks. 21 with AT is awful. Almost no women are attracted to me, and the ones that are happen to be extremely unattractive and have nothing in common with me.
Call me a narcissist if any of you want, but I hate not being able to date beautiful women. I'm sick of not getting any tinder matches despite using my best photos. I've even bought tinder plus and paid for boosts and STILL nothing. I hate being ugly. It's like I'm invisable to any woman that is considered attractive. Being bald just plain sucks with a capital S. I go to the gym, I have a good style, great hygiene, and and facial hair. It doesn't matter. No hot girl my age is going to go for a bald guy.
Fuck making 50k a year at 21 years old, fuck having my own place, fuck having a nice car none of that shit matters cause I'm ugly as fuck. And if a woman happens to be interested in me, it's always ONLY for a long term relationship so she can use me. I'd rather be a poor schmbag with hair working at a sleazy bar than an established bald guy. Fuck my life. Sorry for all the typos during this vent/rant I typed it on my phone.
With a mouth like that, I wouldn't give you a glance either. Women look for a guy with character and substance. Sounds like you have neither.
If he uses language like that when he's upset, he's going to use language like that in his everyday speech. I was taught that people use foul, offensive words because they really don't know how to express their thoughts otherwise. He's not going to find a partner unless there's a girl out there looking for someone to constantly drop the f-bomb ...
My son who is 24 feels the same way. He has developed AU in the last yr. He had tons of dates and hits from tinder previously. However he is slowly adapting to his new look and has become a deeper, more empathetic male. Sounds like you have your strengths and hopefully will find a kindred spirit. perhaps this is a good time to spend on yourself, discovering and developing who you really are. Wish you luck.
You are not your hair.
Plenty of girls dig bald dudes, but no one digs insecurity. I'm sorry, man. Grow some confidence balls.
I like bald guys---but with my AA, it's really hard to pass judgement over such things. Also, my dad is bald----many girls have bald daddies and I'm sure it's all related.
Take a good look at yourself and figure out what is attractive about you. Know that your hair does not define you. Do you work out? Do you take care of yourself? Believe me, I find that to be the sexiest thing about someone---someone who exercises and eats well. But, that's just me. Everyone has their things they find attractive. I'm sure there are plenty of things about you that women would find attractive.
Also, get off tinder. It's a terrible app that's made for shallow hook-ups. I've never met anyone of substance from there, just creeper dudes looking to hook up (if that's you---I'm sincerely sorry)
If you want someone of quality, maybe match.com or eharmony. At least there, you get a profile and not just a picture (so shallow :-P).
I'm not young but I feel very much the same! People seem to scatter when I vent. It is just where I am sometimes. Not self pity, just a necessary part of grief. Hugging you in my heart. I'm sorry for your pain. Not going to send you pretend rainbows and sunshine to blow up your ass, but it gets a little easier in time. Been without a male friend for 9 yrs now. Prefer being alone to humiliation. Trying to learn that the definition of humility is different than humiliation. Sometimes I just seem to NEED to rant. If they can't handle where you are, they don't deserve you. PRAYERS we both learn more about self love. There are a LOT of beautiful, young, bald, women here. Look at them, their EYES, attitude and wow! Mannn there are "relationship" groups on here and a lot of people your age. Sure you're not the only person your age not wanting LTR. Don't let anyone tell you how to feel. Might pass like a freakin kidney stone.. but it will pass. Hell, at least I hope so! Check it out?
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