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About Me:

I am a female from London enjoying a fast track career in the hospitality industry.

I found out I had Alopecia Areata in feb 2012. I suspect I had it a lot longer as the patch was at the back of my head and I never noticed it before.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Hayley's Blog

AA, eczema, fatigue and weight loss. Can anyone explain?

Posted on April 9, 2014 at 11:30am 2 Comments

Hi all..

Can anyone help me with the following. 

Got AA a couple of years back. 1 big egg sized (goose egg) on the back of my head and a tiny weeny patch on the top. All grew back with the help of a steroid and making my diet a lot better (cutting out sugar etc )

However at the same time I have developed eczema on the back of my neck and scalp, I have lost a lot of weight (which i quite like) and I am so tired all the time. Quite often feeling disorientated and anxious…


My experience so far - the first 3 months

Posted on June 10, 2012 at 6:30pm 0 Comments

I've been a member of this site for a while now and always thought about writing something about my experience so far but never got round to it. In this post I am going to be as honest as possible.

I found out I had alopecia in February 2012. I had one large patch the size of a goose egg at the back of my head. To my dismay I never noticed it although my younger sister had when it was the size of a 10p piece back in December 2011 and she couldn't find it in her to tell me.



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At 4:30pm on June 13, 2012, LeslieAnn Butler said…

Hello and welcome, Hayley!
How are you today?
Leslie Ann



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