Kori Miller
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  • Airdrie AB
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  • Tracy and Amanda
  • Lillian (Tracy-mom)
  • Samantha
  • LeslieAnn Butler
  • Carol
  • Cindy

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About Me:
Mom to Hannah, age 9, recently diagnosed with Alopecia Areata
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Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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At 2:19pm on June 9, 2009, LeslieAnn Butler said…
The ones that are most natural are the ones where you can see each individual hair. As far as color goes, try for a blonde or light brown.
I suggest "Elaine," #087 or "Vivian", #073, which are very similar, but smaller, versions of the brow I wear which is "Liz", #101. Let me know how you do!
Yes, you can get my book on Amazon! Let me know how you like it. I think you both will!
At 12:05pm on June 9, 2009, Kori Miller said…
Thanks Leslie -- I ordered some from a website on the NAAF marketplace however the three different types we tried are all too dark and too defined (Hannah is 9). I will try the website your mentioned. I read your profile after I commented. I will look for your book. It is not available at www.chapters.ca (which is where Canadians usally buy books online). I will try Amazon. Is it available as an eBook? I have a Sony eReader but sometimes it's hard to get ebooks outside of the general fiction genre. You might want to discuss it with your publisher because I don't see it on the Sony website either.
At 11:52am on June 9, 2009, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Kori, have Hannah try the temporary tattoo eyebrows. You put them on with water and they can last for days. They are really affordable, too. And there are all sizes and colors. I have worn them for years.
Go to: www.beauti-full-brows.com
At 8:49pm on June 8, 2009, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hello and welcome, Kori!
How are you and Hannah doing today?
At 2:19pm on June 8, 2009, Cindy said…
Hi Kori, I read your message on my daughter's page and am responding to you. Samantha started doing squaric acid at age 6, just as the remains of her hair were falling out. She has no lashes or brows either. Squaric acid is an irritant that produces a reaction in the form of a rash. It does cause itchness and redness. The idea is to wake up the hair follicles and shake up the immune system, confuse it so the hair can grow. We tried topical creams with no avail and I took my daughter to 3 doctors before i found one to be more aggressive. Although, only her scalp is treatment it works the entire immune system. She still has no lashes or brows, but am trying to remain positive. As you can see from some of hte pics her hair is growing back. The hair started growing in about 5 months from when we started. She did have some ups and downs , but we worked through it. Sam wears a wig. The hair club for men has a program for kids age 6-17. She gets 3 free wigs a year. .She also wears headbands with hair sewn into the.www.hatswithhair.com...I hope this info helps. I hope things work out for your daughter. Kids seems to be stronger then we give them credit for..take care,Cindy
At 5:13pm on June 7, 2009, Samantha said…
Hi Kora,

My name is Cindy and I am mom to a 7 yr old daughter with AA. I couldn't help to see your post on anothers page about treatment. This condition is really frustrating because of the unknown factor. I did want to share with you a treatment that my daughter is doing .It is SADBE and she now has about 85% regrowth. I never advocate treatment because it is a personal choice. But, if you want to talk bout it you can write me. You can find me on my own page, Cindy and Samantha...How is your daughter doing? Cindy
At 1:03pm on June 3, 2009, Tracy and Amanda said…
Hi Kori,
My daughter was diagnosed at 4. It started with three quarter sixe patches on her scalp. I took her to a dermatologist and he presribed Clobetasol Propionate solution to put on her bald spots. It started working at first and I was happy. I could definitely see new hair coming in. He also told me if I saw an improvement to ease back on givin her the solution and so I did. It has now been 3 yrs later she will be 7 at the end of the month, and it is pretty much the same. she has about 3 different spots 2 of them are right at the top of her haed which are noticeable and she did get a liitle sunburned from the exposure so she has been wearing hats and sunscreen. The other spot on the side she can hide with her hair. Sometimes I am afraid to comb her hair for fear a big chunk will come out. Her hair is very thin and it doesnt seem to grow long. The longest it gets is up to her shoulders. She also has no leg or arm hair and about 3 yrs ago her eyebrows were very thin but they have grown back since. She is handling it better than me. I know it can get worse or stay the same througout her life. No one has really commented or said anything about her hair loss at school which is why it hasnt affected her yet. She is very sociable and outgoing and I hope future hair loss will not change that for her. Have u tried any treatments on your daughter like shots or creams that doctors have recommended?
At 2:21am on June 3, 2009, Tracy and Amanda said…
Hi Kori,
Welcome to alopecia world! I have a 6 yr old who has alopecia areata. As a parent i know how difficult it can be to have a child with hair loss. Everyone on this site has been real helpful. i hope we can talk real soon.


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