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About Me:
I have had alopecia for 11 years and type 1 diabetes 13 years . The 1st. time I went to the Dr. to ask why I had a bald spot on my head, she said "you’re pulling your hair out, stop pulling on it and it will grow back". For about a year I didn't do any thing with my hair thinking it would grow back. The bald spots would come and go. I got tired of trying to hide the bald spots so I went to a hair dresser and she is the one that told me it was alopecia and I wasn’t “pulling it out.” I heed my bald spots for about 5 years. Then when I was in 10th grade it was getting to be to much work hiding all the bald spots. So I went to a barber, and he shaved it all off. My pony tail was about 16in. but was really thin. And have been one hot baldy since.
I wear a bandana, do-rag, kerchief what ever you want to call it on my heard. I wear hats some times in the winter but I don’t like them very much. I have gone just bald before and I kinda feel naked with out my bandana on and I don’t like what my head looks like I think I may have been drop more than once on my head when I was young lol. My eye lashes came and go. I draw eye brows on, most of the time a.k.a putting my face on.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?

Things ppl have mistaken my alopecia for or said about my alopecia :

Things ppl have mistaken my alopecia for or said about my alopecia :
“Do you have tats all over your head, and that’s why you are wearing a rag on your head.” Coming from some one interviewing me for a job.
“So you from up north?” I live in Idaho up north is where Hitler would live nowadays.
“do you have long?” thinking cancer
“poor girl” once again thinking I have cancer.
“so you don’t have hair ANYWHERE?” said by a prvy-old man looking at my goods sicko
“Didn’t you have cancer last year too?”
“Can I ask you something, why in holy hell did you shave your head.?”
“Can I kiss your head?”
More to come

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At 10:46pm on November 24, 2008, Carmella said…
You ROCK that bandana chicka!
Kiss Kiss
At 7:15pm on September 29, 2008, carly said…
hey i love the "things people hav mistaken 4 alopecia"

carly :)
At 5:18pm on August 14, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hi Missy,
If you want your eyelashes to grow back and stay in,
ask your dermatologist to prescribe you "Lumigan." It's a new discovery and it really works. You can google it to find out more!
At 11:26pm on August 11, 2008, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Hi Missy, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us and I look forward to your input. Cheryl, co-founder
At 10:52pm on August 10, 2008, rj, Co-founder said…
Hi, Missy. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder


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