  • Female
  • Ferndale, MI
  • United States
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Shweetie 's Friends

  • Ruthie
  • LeslieAnn Butler

Shweetie 's Page

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About Me:
I have had AA since age 10. Lost all hair and grew back by 12. Spots on and off for past 34 years.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Shweetie 's Blog

And the votes for the best wigs online goes to...?

Posted on November 18, 2013 at 12:30am 3 Comments

  I'm going to have to get a wig this week. (Ordered online to start, I think.) I am blonde and have always worn my hair long since it grew back 30 years ago. Now, here I am again facing the same challenge but in a much more advanced world than it was and as an adult. I am not ready to sport the real hairless me. I am always cold, and I work with children and think that hair would be the best option for me at this time. Can you wonderful people give me some suggestions on a good wig company…


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At 7:20am on November 25, 2013, Karen Katz gave Shweetie a gift
At 4:44pm on November 17, 2013, LeslieAnn Butler said…

Hello and welcome!

How are you today?

Leslie Ann



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