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  • Columbia, SC
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kasbury's Discussions

HELP!!! I am so depressed...

Started this discussion. Last reply by SabineTawni Sep 23, 2021. 21 Replies

I just returned from my doctor and she said that I have AA. When this first occurred back in October 2016 it was the day after I got my hair done and I reached to scratch my head and felt a fist size…Continue

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SabineTawni replied to kasbury's discussion HELP!!! I am so depressed...
"I think firing that damn doctor who DEFINITELY "needs to be taken back to school" would be the first step that I would take to alleviate my depression and anxiety!!  If a doctor ever talked to me like that, he/she would be picking…"
Sep 23, 2021
sampeckard replied to kasbury's discussion HELP!!! I am so depressed...
"Hey, girl! I know receiving this news will definitely trigger a seemingly endless spiral of negative emotion cause I've been there, and I know the feeling. Nevertheless, the good news is that your hair will come back if you take your…"
Sep 23, 2021
Bill_Andrews replied to kasbury's discussion HELP!!! I am so depressed...
"I can't understand why people who never were in depression teach others how to deal with it. I was in depression, and to be honest, at that time the most I needed was someone to be near me and to help me to overcome all the difficulties. The…"
Dec 8, 2020

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About Me:
My name is Kim and I am suffering from Alopecia. I found a fist size spot in the back of my head in october 2016. I was recovering and today Feb 23. 2017 I found a little spot on the top of my head. I am having a difficult time emotionally with this process.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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At 11:09am on March 8, 2017, philnatural said…
I'm depressed too. Lost every single hair on my body. Now I'm doing this AIP diet and reading about "leaky gut" . So I lost 25 lbs. Doctors found nothing with the blood tests. I'm 42 and hate taking drugs. But looks like in will have to look into this xelanyz stuff.
At 9:05pm on February 26, 2017, Lexi said…

Kim, you are a gorgeous girl.  I hope your hair grows back in. You have such a pretty face, you will always be pretty, no matter what.  Try not to stress, I know, easier said than done.  ..



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