  • 48, Female
  • Mesa. AZ
  • United States
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Sgomez's Friends

  • B.C. The hairless Guy
  • CBrown
  • Wendy Coco
  • Jen N
  • Shana Thornton
  • Pat Latina
  • Sharon perry
  • Joy
  • Leah
  • Verovita
  • Jules
  • Jean Smith
  • Sheryl Miller
  • Sarah H
  • Brandy googe

sgomez's Page

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Wendy Coco commented on sgomez's group Alopecians in Arizona
"Hello everyone, I’ve had AU since age 3, and I am 67 now, I became a hairdresser!! Childhood was tough, but it made me strong mentally and emotionally. I would like to connect with a support group in Phoenix AZ, if anyone knows of one? Thank…"
Mar 18, 2023

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About Me:
I have Alopecia Totalis. I lost all my hair when I was five, and have never had regrowth.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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Comment Wall (182 comments)

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At 11:29pm on September 2, 2011, Kim Krollman said…
Sarah, thank you for speaking with me tonight. My son Scott is a freshman at ASU and he is really struggling with meeting new people at college, adapting to being bald (it's only been a few months) and moving from Illinois. Any support you can offer him would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Kim
At 1:15am on June 2, 2011, Nancy said…
Hi Sarah,
How are you? It's about time we have a get together. I miss you! It would be great to see each other and catch up on life and our alopecia stories. I hope you and your family are doing well.
At 2:33pm on December 05, 2010, B.C. The hairless Guy gave sgomez a gift
Have A Nice Day......................
At 2:08pm on June 15, 2010, Wendy Coco said…
Hi ,yes I will be there for that brunch, I just rsvpd to Kelly!!
Looking forward to meeting you:) I have lived in the Phoenix area for 7 years now. We should try and get as many locals as possible to come, I bet we all have great ideas and coping skills!!!
At 12:50am on June 1, 2010, Sarah H said…
Hey girl :)

Just stopping in to say hi! I hope you had a great Memorial weekend, and I hope all is well with you :)

At 12:06am on May 2, 2010, CBrown said…
I was snooping around and saw a few of your older posts. I'd be interested in getting together with others in the valley who have alopecia too, as I have had it since I was five and have never (knowingly) met anyone else with it. Cheers to us!
At 1:07pm on April 21, 2010, Sheryl Miller said…
Hi there ! I was referred to you by Pat. :) I am seriously thinking of just shaving my head and wearing a vacuum wig, but am concerned because living in Az its get way too hot here ! How long have you had your wig ? Can I ask what company you bought it from ? Can you tell me the pros and cons of wearing one her in Az ? My husband is soooo awesome ! He doesnt mind what choice I make. He just wants to see me happy again ! I have been shedding my hair since Nov 2005 and its just crazy. Hormones are "normal" so they tell me. I have little to no stress in my life and no history of hairloss. So.... its just thinning all over at different times. It does some back in, but not as thick as it used to be. I can still style it to where it really isnt all that noticeable, but it bothers me very much. Sorry to blast you with so many questions, but I just really would like some inside info from someone who actually lives here in the valley and can help me make the right choice. Thank you sooo much for offering to help ! I truly appreciate it !!!!! Take care !
At 9:46pm on March 30, 2010, josh said… you sometimes get toguether with any other alopecian people here in the valley ? I'II apreciate any info...
At 10:59pm on March 17, 2010, josh said…
Solo tenia curiosidad si hablabas espanol...
At 5:01am on March 4, 2010, Lee said…
Hey...hows WW going?? Im doing pretty well. I like it online actually! If I need the meetings though, Ill just pay for them and go ; ) Ive lost about 8 lbs so far. Still have a lot to go..but getting there slowly. I went to the meeting once...but there were so many people didnt meet the leader. Glad you liek yours though..thats important. Hey...have you ever gotten injections in your eyebrows? I did, and they worked...but they hurt so bad...I had to stop ; (


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