Started this discussion. Last reply by Squonk Jun 21, 2008. 1 Reply 0 Likes
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Happy New Year Comment Graphics
Comments & Glitter Graphics for Myspace, Hi5, Orkut, FriendsterBig hugs to you. Nice to hear from you. I know what you mean about the summertime. I didn't have a minute to myself. Thinking of you often though.
Love and Hugs,
Happy Monday. Just stopping by to say Hi and give you virtual hug. ((((((Willow)))))) Hope you had a good weekend.
Love and Hugs,
If all goes well with getting a Canadian organization formed we can hopefully have our own conference. Bring your camera, it'll be like a family reunion! :)
Just checking in. Hope you are doing well and are enjoying the weather. As far as your family is concerned, it's their loss!!!! My family was pretty weirded out when I ditched the wig for tattoos, but then they just knew that it is what "I" needed to do for "ME" and I really didn't need their permission to do so. They all came around eventually and actually think I'm pretty "cool" My husband and children are really the only ones that I actually cared about their opinion, and they were very supportive through everything!!! I hope that your family comes around too, but if not, you have your family here!!!! Hey, did I tell you that I just won a tattoo contest??? I got a $500 gift certificate for a tattoo!!! WooHooo!!! Now I just have to decide what I want next. I really need to find something special and not something random. Every tattoo (other than the flowers used to fill in) has a meaning to me. This one will too. Any suggestions?? LOL
Love and Hugs,
Thank you for the lovely comment on my page. I also love your tattoo!!! Beautiful!!! Everyone asks if it hurt, and my answer is...."not as much as being a woman and losing my hair did!!!" And, I absolutely meant it! I love my tattoos (22 total) and I'm sure you can understand what I mean when I say that getting my head tattooed was therapy for me! It made me smile and I'm so happy for you when I read your "About Me" section. I am very lucky to have a husband who is just like yours. I didn't meet him until after I lost all my hair. I was still very insecure about my bald head until he made me feel beautiful and confident about it. We have been together for 5 years and he still makes me feel beautiful every day even when I'm not having such a "good hair" day!!! My daughter Kristin who was in a bad car accident, is home now and recouping more every day. She is still in some pain with the broken collarbone but gets around much better now. Thank you for asking about her. I am so glad you wrote and I hope we can become good friends.
Love and Hugs,
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