Hey guys. I'm new here and was wondering what people with mild alopecia use as treament and whats worked and not worked.

I've been using minoxidil for the last few months and that has seemed to help with some new and little spots but I'm thinking of trying the shots people get.

If anyone has tips or ideas I would appreciate it. Thanks.

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I'm sorry I have never used any sort of medication for my daughter and her hair has regrown and fallen out twice in the last five years. I often think if I was using medication I would have thought that it had worked when my daughter had regrowth but really my daughter went into remission by herself and lost her hair by herself.

Alopecia areata is a very unpredictable condition. But in saying that some people do find medications seem to help and maybe this is what is happening with you with the minoxidil. If you have mild AA you have a very high chance of your hair regrowing and this condition disappearing from your life. So, the wait and see scenario is what I would be advising. But of course it is up to you. Good luck

thanks rosy!
I am using 5% minoxidil twice daily and 1 mg biotin daily.
I think the regime is helping but who knows for sure.
I havent had any patches this year just white fuzz.

I like minoxidil because its pretty cheap. I got 3 2 ounce bottles at wal-mart for $20. I'm thinking about trying a steroid cream to use with it but I'm not sure yet.

I'm gonna look for a good hair thickening product too. Maybe some biotin shampoo.
Do you use the 5% Minoxidil?
Yep. It's Equate %5. I thought about trying the Rogaine foam but its like $50 and I don't know if it works better or anything.



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