hello- My derm has prescribed Aldara for the second time- I did not use it the first time and am still hesitating on using it now. Its original use is for treating genital warts and its side effects seem a bit harsh.

I would go through the yucky side effects on my scalp if Aldara acutally worked and didnt need to be used forever to keep any regrowth. I would love to hear any input from my fellow alopecians... thanks friends, Paula

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Hi Paula,

I had a stubborn plantar wart that failed to respond to any natural or allopathic treatment. I picked up Aldara and after two months of applying a thin layer every other day- the darn thing cleared up! I thought there would be itching and side effects but there were none. I had not thought about using it on my scalp but it could be worth a try. I think because the skin on the scalp (or foot) is not nealy as sensitive as the skin on the genitals- the side effects if any would be mild.
Good luck!
i was just prescribed aldara for Aloplcia Areata today. and it sound scary to me too. did you have any luck?



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